Mandala position - PYWF

Planning Your Way Forward (PYWF)

The difference between having an idea and having an impact is a well-executed plan.


  • Needing to clarify all variables necessary to turn a vision into reality
  • Aligning on the possible steps needed to take and how
  • Knowing the goal to achieve but unsure of the way forward


When you set out to do something you’ve never done before, the path from point A to point B isn’t always clear. It requires thinking about how all the pieces fit together. All the resources. Energy. Time. When this path is charted collaboratively, everyone feels inspired to contribute to the collective drive forward.


Participants walk through the higher-level thinking required before they can lay out a detailed operational workplan. This begins with aligning on the starting point, approach, and destination, figuring out the key milestones along the way, and identifying the resources it will take to reach each one.

With this in place, participants can clearly map out a successful journey through uncharted territory, so they can reach the best outcome.


  • Storyboarding
  • Visualizing scenarios
  • Envisioning and designing change


  • Road map with key milestones and required resources and actions
  • A new envisioning and planning process to apply to future projects

Contact Us about Planning Your Way Forward